Every year at the end of month Kartik VIHE holds the annual Govardhan Retreat. Devotees from all around the world come to participate in a wonderful week of Krsna-katha, ecstatic kirtans and many breathtaking darsanas of Giriraja Govardhana. The sublime atmosphere of the sacred Govardhana Hill enables those who live and preach outside the Holy Dhama to immerse themselves in the magical world of Krsnas pastimes. We invite you to join us for this unique opportunity to enhance your devotional life and your preaching with an unforgettable experience since we believe that staying at Giriraja’s lotus feet while listening to Krishna-katha is the perfection of human life.
This year the VIHE annual Govardhan Retreat dates are December 13-21, 2020. The registrations will open in July.
For any information, please write to retreats@vihe.org