What is this website?

This website is a free resource to help people find out what events are happening in the world of ISKCON, and to help organisers of devotional events to promote their events.

Is this site free to use?


What kind of events are on this site?

All events organised by an ISKCON centre, department or affiliated entity are welcome. Other events which are relevant and useful to ISKCON devotees may be permitted on a case-by-case basis.

What services do you offer?

We are simply a facilitator. We provide a platform for event organisers to promote events and for devotees to find events. We do not organise events and we carry no liability for the outcome. Event details are informational only and may not be accurate. Attendees are strongly advised to check event details with organisers before making plans to attend. By using our site you specifically acknowledge this.

Do I need to register?

Registration is only necessary to submit events.

Registering on either of ISKCON Events or ISKCON Centres automatically registers you on the other. If you then visit the other site, you will be automatically registered and logged into that site too. Having one account for all the sites makes it easier for you to participate in our network.

How do I submit an event?

First check that the event is not already posted by searching for organiser, venue and date. Then Click on “Submit an Event” in the menu. If you are a new user, you will first have to register. If you are an existing user, you must log in. Then complete the form as accurately and completely as possible and submit it. We will review and respond within three days, but usually much faster. We may ask you to edit your event to improve it, or we may edit it ourselves. Approval of your event posting is at our sole discretion.

My event is listed here but I did not post it. How do I edit or delete it?

We regularly post devotional events that we find through various channels. If we have posted your event and you would like to edit it, please first register and then contact us to have the event assigned to your account. If you would like your event to be deleted, please contact us.

Does my user account from this site also work on other ISKCON sites?

If you register on any one of ISKCON Centres, ISKCON Events or ISKCON Jobs, you can also log in with the same credentials on the other two sites. Having one account makes it easier for you to participate in our network.

Who created this site?

This site is created and managed by devotees serving the ISKCON Communications Ministry.

How do I contact you?

If you have a question about an event, please contact the organiser. We cannot help with event-specific information. If you want to contact us regarding specific issues with this website (sucah as correcting an event listing), you can reach us by email at events [at] iskcon [dot] org.